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Articles about productivity

There's no wrong in trying to find the outermost limits of productivity

A recent New York Times op-ed condemns people's desire to be uber-productive. A perspective from someone who identifies writing to-do lists as a hobby.

Getting Things Done

17 years after the first time, I re-read Getting Things Done. A bit less naive about it, I found quite a lot of value and a few tips that keeps my mind engine going.

What makes something a digital garden?

I reflected lately about gardening, content creation and beauty. The result was that I made myself want to get some weeders and planters, and tidy up my little corner on the web.

My failed attempt to build a second brain

For years I'm trying to be more productive. I outsource ideas, thoughts and memories but I'm never pleased. It took a while for me to comprehend that my problem is in philosophy and not in productivity.

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