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This Snack Does Not Exist

product huntI'm not sure about the motivation of this, but got some funny stuff. Almost lost me with Amphetamine Doritos, but most of these were kind of cool.
Ben Gavrash
product huntGet your non-existent #snacks from this great #online #store!
Olive Winterleaf
product huntVery amusing. And in a pinch it also works as a random band name generator!
Muhammad Jabeer
product huntI just found one of the most cursed websites of all time...
Lucifer, the CEO of Hell
product huntTired: Deep fakes. Wired: Deep fried fakes.
Ian Schreiber
product huntfake snacks are the best snacks

Project Description

This little project creates random snack possibilities from food parts as our crawler found online, and grades them for plausibility of marketing success. The system can generate far fetched ideas such as "Robin Williams' lock of hair ice cream special" or options that seem to be a better idea such as "Wasabi & Sriracha sauce flavored popcorn". Our algorithm scored the ice cream with 0.105 and the popcorn 0.828 which makes sense.

This mini-project is part of the ACP (Artificial Creativity Project), trying to figure out new ways to boost creativity or perceived creativity in AI projects. The underlying concept is to check and score the plausibility of computer created associations.

While this project isn't based on GAN but on a linguistic matrix, it brings to mind some other projects with similar names, such as thispersondoesnotexist or thiscatdoesnotexist which work very differently (and in my opinion) are somewhat less funny.


Server side this is all PHP. Crawling was done on different snack websites and images are taken from Pixabay and Unsplash.

The entire project is self hosted on DigitalOcean's servers, which I have been using for years and are doing a tremendous job in keeping a high level of service, great performance and are very affordable.

If you use the link above to purchase one of their services, you get $100 of credits. If you actually spend money with them, I get $25.

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